Lab : IGI
Color : H
ColorShade :
Carats : 2.83
Cut :
Symmetry : EX
Labgrowntype : CVD
Polish : EX
Clarity : VVS2
Depth : 4.48
Fcolor :
Fovertone :
Fintensity :
FloInt : NON
Width : 6.65
Length : 9.62
Table : 68
DepthPercentage : 67.4
DiamondType : Labgrown
Color : H
ColorShade :
Carats : 2.83
Cut :
Symmetry : EX
Labgrowntype : CVD
Polish : EX
Clarity : VVS2
Depth : 4.48
Fcolor :
Fovertone :
Fintensity :
FloInt : NON
Width : 6.65
Length : 9.62
Table : 68
DepthPercentage : 67.4
DiamondType : Labgrown
precious metal:
product style:
expected shipping timeline: It varies from 24 hours to 4 weeks depending on type of product.
Jewelry: Delivery With In 1-2 Business Days
Engagement Rings/Wedding Bands: 3-4 weeks
this item can be personalized with a complimentary engraving.
this item is eligible for resizing.
this item is eligible for 14-day returns or exchange.